Every year, thousands of candidates appear for various competitive exams like SSC, Bank, Railwayand many more. To winnow the wheat from the chaff, the difficulty level of all exams increases with passing years. As a result of this, only a few candidates make it to the top. It thus becomes important to devise a strategy in line with your strengths and weaknesses to stay ahead. In this blog, we will share some tips and tricks to solve different sections in competitive exams which might put you ahead in the game.
The general awareness is one of the most scoring and less time-consuming sections in competitive exams. Here are a few tips and tricks to crack this section:
The first step to scoring well in competitive exams is to stay updated with events of national and international importance. This can be done by reading newspapers, current affairs based magazines, important reports and basic books like NCERTs. Pay extra attention to exam specific topics. For instance, if you are preparing for the RBI Grade-B exam then go through the Business and Economics sections well.
2. Make Notes
The advantage of taking down notes on your own words is two-fold. It not only helps in retaining information for a longer duration but also helps you to revise the syllabus easily.
3. Know Something of Everything
Your carry bag can hold only 10 apples. To avoid going to the market the next day, you buy 10 more apples and stuff them in the bag. The bag breaks and you lose many apples. Similarly, there is a limit to what you can remember. The syllabus of competitive exams is vast. If you start reading everything in-depth, you will not only end up cramming a lot of irrelevant information but will also find it difficult to recall important details. Thus, go through all the topics but make concise notes.
4. Revise and Give Mock Tests
When it comes to the general awareness section of the competitive exams, Revision is the key to success. Make sure to devote at least 1-2 hours every day. To further strengthen the preparation, give current affairs based mock tests on a regular basis. This will help you in analyzing your weak sections.
The verbal ability section is made a part of competitive exams to examine your basic English language skills. You can score well in this section by following these tips :
Quantitative ability, one of the most dreaded sections of competitive exams analyses a candidate’s basic mathematical skills. You can follow these steps to score well in this section:
Reasoning Ability is another popular section among competitive exams which challenges students to solve questions from topics like patterns, puzzles, analogy, pictographs, etc. Tips to ace this section are:
Not everyone has an option to leave their jobs to prepare for competitive exams. So, here we will telling you how you can prepare for competitive exams while doing a job:
Now that you know how to prepare for these competitive exams, here are some study hacks that can help you improve your chances of learning better: